Guided tour

Want a guided tour of doc-e-mate's available features?

We keep this video up to date so that you can get a quick overview: managing templates and documents, importing from word and markdown, handling document data, managing style and printing .pdf files.

Importing Word documents

If you don't start a business from scratch, chances are that you already own a lot of legacy Word documents.

This video will show you how simple it is to import those documents in doc-e-mate. Just check your document for a few conventions, then ask doc-e-mate to import it.

Share and save your doc-e-mate documents

This tutorial shows you how to save documents created in doc-e-mate.

The file format of doc-e-mate (.dem) allows you to share your doc-e-mate documents with other doc-e-mate users. They also provide a simple way of creating backups on your computer.

The .dem file supports all functionnalities available in doc-e-mate. Field values, activated and desactivated parts, text modifications and page formatting are all preserved.

Manage your templates

This tutorial shows you how to manage your doc-e-mate templates to enhance your performance.

Importing Markdown documents

Markdown documents (.md) are now used all over the web to handle text documents. The markdown format is simple to learn and use and covers everything you need to get started creating documents from scratch.

Doc-e-mate embraces markdown and provides import, export and edition features for it. Follow the guide!